Solar is the Latin word for sun—a very powerful source of energy that can be used for many energy purposes.
Your worldwide global expert in clean and solar energy solutions for rural and urban areas since 1991
Global projects
Technical assistance for identification of PV mini grid sites Zambia 2022
Technical assistance of the Zambian Authorities to maximize ZEEST programme impact, Zambia 2022
EU technical Assistance Facility, support EU delegation in programming of actions in MIP, Lesotho 2021
Supporting Sustainable and Efficient Energy Policies and Investments, Indonesia 2020
Providing Technical Assistance to Install a Solar Panel Park at Piarco International Airport, Trinidad & Tobago 2019
Consulting services for the Project Designfor the South Tarawa Water Supply Project, Kiribati 2019
Technical and Financial Audit of contract "Supply and Installation of stand-alone solar PV systems in 73 Agricultural Facilities in Eritrea" off grid electrification Eritrea 2018
Stocktaking Mission to Assess Market Potential for Renewable Energy projects and Funding Opportunities for private sector investments in Myanmar, 2018
Project is to stimulate socio-economic development and reduce poverty by providing rural electrification. Liberia, 2018
Support preparation of an initial Action Document (iAD) and Action Document (AD) for a programme or project to be financed under the al Climate Change Alliance of the European Union (GCCA). Maldives 2018
Rural Electrification Programme - implementation of23 000 solar home systems in rural areas in southern Shan State. Myanmar 2018
Mobilisation of Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) experts for Zambia in the energy sector, Zambia 2016
Solar Power Development Project. Island electrification with mini grids, replacing diesels, Solomon Islands 2016
Rural electrification with mini grids. design of 2 mini grids, tender document, Eritrea 2015
Stocktaking in the energy sector of Nigeria 2015
Mobilisation of se4all taf expert(s) under the 11th edf programme – Eritrea 2015
Renewable energy in SE -Asia advisor 2013-2014
Main areas of consulting:
Pre - feasibility studiesFeasibility studies
System planning
PV evaluations
Training and education
Project managing.